Azal Ahmad Khan

Minneapolis, MN


I am an incoming first-year PhD student in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota. At UMN, I am fortunate to be co-advised by Dr. Ali Anwar and Dr. Jon Weissman. My research is partially funded by the Departmental GAGE Fellowship. Prior to joining UMN, I spent four beautiful years completing undergraduate studies at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati, India.

During my undergraduate studies, I worked with Dr. Debanga Raj Neog on my Bachelor Thesis on Large Language Models (LLMs). I also worked with Dr. Ali Anwar on Personalization and Optimization in Federated Learning, and with Dr. Rohitash Chandra on ML and optimization.

My current research focuses on the alignment of LLMs, including their applications and multi-objective alignment. I am also working on reasoning in LLMs. Additionally, I am working on developing LLM agents designed to assist software engineers in their daily tasks. More updates on this will be shared soon.

Research Interest: User-aligned Foundation Models, Machine Learning Systems

Email / LinkedIn / Google Scholar / Twitter / CV

Feel free to contact me via email.


Feb 10, 2024 Paper on Federated Learning accepted at ACM EuroSys 2024🎊.
Feb 3, 2024 Attended Google Research Week 2024 at Google Research India, Bengaluru.
Jan 12, 2024 Journal paper on Metaheuristic Optimization accepted at Recent Advances in Algorithms for Swarm Systems🥳.
Dec 10, 2023 Journal paper on Ensemble Learning accepted at Expert Systems With Applications🥳.
Oct 8, 2023 I’ll be reviewing for GenBio-NeurIPS 2023🎊. Looking forward to a new experience😊.
Aug 1, 2023 Started working on my bachelor thesis under Dr. Debanga Raj Neog🎊.
Apr 15, 2023 Paper on Personalized and Incentivized Federated Learning out on arXiv🥳.
Apr 6, 2023 Paper on Data Augmentation and Class Imbalance out on arXiv🥳.
Dec 17, 2022 Paper on Balanced Split out on arXiv🥳.
Jun 1, 2022 Started working as a Research Intern at Van Dijk Lab, Yale🎊.

Selected Publications

  1. ACM EuroSys ’24
    FLOAT: Federated Learning Optimizations with Automated Tunnings
    Ahmad Faraz Khan, Azal Ahmad Khan, Samuel Fountain, Ahmed M. Abdelmoniem, Ali Butt, and Ali Anwar
    ACM EuroSys 2024 Feb 2024
  2. RAASS
    A quantum-inspired predator-prey algorithm for real-parameter optimization
    Azal Ahmad Khan, Salman Hussain, and Rohitash Chandra
    Recent Advances in Algorithms for Swarm Systems Jan 2024
  3. Under review
    PI-FL: Personalized and Incentivized Federated Learning
    Ahmad Faraz Khan, Xinran Wang, Qi Le, Azal Ahmad Khan, Haider Ali, Jie Ding, Ali Anwar, and Ali Butt
    Under review at ICML 2024 Apr 2024
  4. ESWA
    A review of ensemble learning and data augmentation models for class imbalanced problems: combination, implementation and evaluation
    Azal Ahmad Khan, Omkar Chaudhari, and Rohitash Chandra
    Expert Systems With Applications Dec 2023